Meet Dr. Hammes (Retired)
Replacement is “in me” because of my father losing his left leg when I was young. My very tough father struggled with not so good prosthetics inspiring my interest in replacing “missing parts”. The science and art of dentistry became my life’s profession. I love helping my patients become whole again by replacing missing tooth structure with fillings, veneers, crowns, implants, and bridgework.
I am passionate about thorough examination and empowering my clients with options to comfortably achieve their goals. By using photography and conversation clients are offered the opportunity to co-diagnose. The coolest thing for patients is regenerative dentistry: Growing new gum and bone! Clients are amazed at how we grow new gum to cover their tooth recession. Alloderm grafts require no second (donor) surgical site. Bone regeneration can occur with a laser procedure known as LANAP. I pride myself on developing lasting relationships with clients emphasizing mutual trust and commitment to individual care.
Curriculum Vitae: Marquette University School of Dentistry in top 10%, honored by election to Omicron Kappa Upsilon, 12-month general dentistry residency, honored as a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, published by the Journal of the Wisconsin Dental Association, taught at Marquette U. School of Dentistry since 1995, promoted to Associate Adjunct Professor 2004 responsible for teaching digital dental photography and more, thousands of hours of continuing education from meetings with The Pankey Institute, The Dawson Academy, ADA, Wisconsin Dental Association, American Equillibration Society, American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, and American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Academy of Periodontology, The Osteology Foundation, and others.
A Burlington High School graduate, I continue to enjoy living in my childhood neighborhood. I love reading, sailing, backpacking, fly angling, and paddling. I am a Racine Dragonboat Club member and have paddled competitively in the U.S., Canada, and in the 2014 Dragon Boat World Championships in Italy. My bride Nancy is from Ontario. I enjoy giving back to our community through the Beacon Circle of the United Way, other charities, and with donated dental services.